Date(s) - 02/08/2024
Request for Proposals (RFP) TGF-24-40, titled “Evaluation of Community Engagement in the Global Fund Grant Cycle” has been issued by the Sourcing department of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (the Global Fund).
An electronic version of the RFP has been posted on the Business Opportunities section of the Global Fund website.
For audit and efficiency purposes, this RFP process is being managed electronically. Bidders are required to submit their proposals through the following URL for the Sourcing Application.
In the event that you do not have a Supplier ID in the TGF Sourcing Application, please send an email to the Global Fund as follows:
- Recipient:
- Subject: Request for Login User ID Creation in TGF Sourcing/iSupplier Portal – RFP TGF-24-40 – [Put your organization name]
- Email Body:
- Supplier Name: [Enter your organization name]
- Contact Person Name: [Last Name, First Name]
- Title: [Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.]
- Email: [Email ID]
- Phone: [Phone]
- Address: [Address Line 1; Address Line 2; Address Line 3; City; Postal Code; Country]
- DUNS Number: [xxxxxx]
Bidders intending to submit a proposal must be “invited” to the RFP. Therefore, any request for a supplier ID should be made at least 48 hours before the RFP closing date on August 2, 2024, at 5:00 PM CEST.
A webinar will be scheduled in July. During this session, bidders will receive additional background information on this RFP and have the opportunity to ask questions about the scope of work and the application process. To participate, interested bidders should express their interest by emailing Additionally, bidders may send their list of questions prior to the session.
Any communication between a Bidder and the Global Fund regarding this RFP, which is not through the designated channel ( or,, may invalidate such Bidder’s proposal to this RFP.