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The EES is grateful for the support of the institutional members. For more details about each Institutional member please click on the link below:-
- Austrian Development Agency, Austria
- Austrian Development Agency ADE s.a.
- Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, Portugal
- Concern World
- Council of Europe, France
- Court of Audit, Netherlands
- DEPA Consulting
- Development Evaluation Unit of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Development Evaluation, Finland
- Enabel
- European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, United Kingdom
- European Commission, DG REGIO
- European Commission, DG INTPA
- European Stability Mechanism, Luxembourg
- European Union Agency for Asylum
- Expert Group for Aid Studies, Sweden
- EY Belgium
- Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
- Frontier Economics Ltd.
- Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP
- International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland
- IFAD, Italy
- IoB
- Kaiciid International Dialogue Centre
- Kantar Public, Belgum
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
- NIRAS AB, Sweden
- OSCE – Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Austria
- Oxfam
- Particip GmbH, Germany
- PlanAPP
- Plan Eval
- Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB), The Netherlands
- Swiss Federal Audit Office, Switzerland
- Syntesia
- The German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)
- World Health Organisation, Switzerland
EES registered at:
European Evaluation Society
Posthoornstraat 17
3011WD Rotterdam
The Netherlands
EES Secretariat address:
Combs Tannery, Tannery Road
Combs, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 2EN
United Kingdom
Phone:+44 7821 520912