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What we read in June

Authors: Lea Corsetti, Linh Hoang, Winne Chu, Francesco Bolzonella, Linh Hoang, Kemi Ayanda and Muhammad Waseem   I want a world where evidence counts | Juha Uitto In a thought-provoking article, renowned evaluator Juha Uitto reflects on the current state of the...

Breaking boundaries: the beginning of a conversation on the intersections between Gender-Transformative Evaluation, Decolonisation, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Intrigued? Then join the conversation!

Authors: Karina Lehrner and Petra Novakova For this International Women’s Day, we (the EES TWG 1 gender and evaluation) would like to invite you into a conversation about underlying principles that we see as interconnecting fundamental frameworks:...

Globally Connected, Locally Rooted Evaluation

Author: Ian Thomas, Head of Arts Research & Insight at British Council In a 2018 the British Council explored the notion that cultural heritage could contribute to inclusive growth. The report shares findings from a sector consultation and international research...

Michael Scriven, 1928-2023

The Board of the EES were saddened to hear of the passing of one of the truly great figures in the history of evaluation. Michael Scriven died on the 28 August in California. He was born in Britain and grew up and studied in Australia before completing his PhD at...