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Evaluating in Times of Crises

The EBRD-EvD Approach to Real-Time Evaluation By Natalia Kryg(1), Gabriele Fattorelli(2) – EBRD Crises prompt change. The COVID-19 pandemic tested the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and its operations, prompting a unique evaluation...

Economic growth and sustainability: conflict or friendship?

Evaluation of the Hungarian DROP Plus Programme in light of sustainable development The green growth concept offers an opportunity to reconcile economic/technological growth and sustainability, making it a realistic option for the world to avoid a global climate...

What we were reading in March

Five lessons from our Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Evidence (TREE) reviews | 3ie The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is working on developing stronger systems for producing Transparent, Reproducible, and Ethical Evidence (TREE). 3ie are...

What did we read in 2023?

Embracing equity when engaging men and boys for gender equality | Itad This article starts by arguing on familiar ground that the journey towards gender equality requires addressing “toxic” and “patriarchal” expressions of masculinity that...

International Women’s Day

Setting up a performance measurement framework toward the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in BARMM Contact: Aida Orgocka, Consultant, In October 2000, the United Nations Security Council endorsed the groundbreaking...