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Date(s) - 18/12/2022




The Youth in Evaluation Week invites Eval4Action partners and other interested organizations and networks to propose regional, cross-regional, national, and thematic events that address the theme: Intergenerational solidarity for transformative evaluation. The main theme has three sub-themes: Voice, Learning and Prosperity of Youth in Evaluation. Details on the themes and the programme outline are available in the concept note.

The organization or network proposing the event is responsible for leading, organizing and rolling out the event; undertaking communication outreach before, during, and post the event; translations; and covering any associated costs with the event. The global Eval4Action team will coordinate with the event organizers for the smooth roll-out of the events, and the related communication and outreach.

The event proposal/s should be submitted via this form.

Closing Date: 18 December 2022