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Date(s) - 16/11/2022




Over the years, it has been proven that building the internal impact data capacity saves resources. And that is why Sopact is on a mission to make enterprises data-driven. A full-proof data strategy starts with a problem statement and ends with all the relevant data points, including survey questions for your stakeholders to learn outcomes. Then, a complete data strategy is ready for you to collect data and get insight to make informed decisions.

When an organization becomes self-sufficient in data practices, it can allocate correct resources to programs and continuously understand if they are reaching the intended stakeholders and where the efforts are making a difference. It also helps you stay compliant.

We invite you to join the webinar to learn how impactful initiatives can become data-driven to make informed decisions and save resources.

The webinar will discuss the following:

  • Today’s data management challenges.
  • How can an organization solve these challenges and become a data owner?

For further details and to book online, click here.