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Date(s) - 01/06/2024 - 30/06/2025


GEF Independent Evaluation Office

Contract Value : Lump Sum

Link/url to full Tender

Brief outline of Project
The purpose of the Food Systems Evaluation is to inform future GEF programming with evaluative evidence on GEF’s integrated programs on food systems. The main evaluation objective is to assess the extent to which GEF integrated programming applies a comprehensive system approach to its food systems interventions. The evaluation will consider the extent to which GEF food system programs and child projects address the root causes and the downstream effects of the environmental, health and nutrition problems originating from the targeted food systems, including related key interactions (e.g., global markets, politically unstable relationships, public and private actors, sectoral policies’ incoherencies, among others). The second objective is to provide independent, field verified evidence on what works and why in completed GEF food systems integrated programs. A third objective is to assess the food systems programs’ value addition versus the resources needed to implement them.
Key information to encourage interest
The firm should have the following qualifications:

Experience in the evaluation of international environment and development interventions, including a track record of conducting high level, complex formative evaluations
Demonstrated skills and experience in the analysis of food systems, food security, commodities and food staples value chains, food consumption and related health and nutrition issues
Practical, policy, and/or academic expertise in key GEF focal areas of the programs under analysis (i.e., land degradation, climate change and biodiversity, sustainable forest management)
Availability of an extended network of local consultants to be mobilized in the case study countries
Familiarity with the policies, procedures and operations of GEF and its Agencies and knowledge of the GEF and external information sources will be considered an added advantage, as is previous experience on evaluating integrated programs for the GEF IEO.

Closing date : 30 May 2024