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Date(s) - 31/10/2023


Date: 31st October 2023
Time: *see below
Duration: 90 minutes
Delivery: Zoom
Cost: 49.99 Euro
Presenters: Nur Hidayati and Karijn Kakeebeke

You may have heard of Most Significant Change (MSC) and Photovoice. However, did you know that MSC and Photovoice can be combined for a more participatory, inclusive and equitable evaluation? Integrating MSC and Photovoice as an evaluation approach breaks down the power dynamics between programme participants and programme implementers. The integrated method is especially useful for gender related programmes or other interventions that involve vulnerable and marginalised populations.

Aim of webinar: To sensitise development practitioners on how to combine the visual, verbal and written storytelling methods to have a truly participatory and empowering evaluation/research. The webinar will introduce the methodology, concrete steps for its use and give case studies of real-life applications of the integrated method.

Target Audience: Anyone who is interested in an evaluation/ research technique that is truly participatory, equitable and empowering in how information is collected, analysed and reported among different types of stakeholders.

*Recording: As persons are in different time zones, the time of the workshop may not be convenient for everyone. Therefore, the workshop will be recorded for persons to (re) watch at their convenience. By attending the workshop you give your consent for the recording.
