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Date(s) - 17/11/2023


Deadline: 17th November 2023

Light for the World is leading a consortium with the Africa Disability Forum (ADF) and Crosswise Works (CWW) to deliver the We Can Work (WCW) program. The WCW program is a regional signature disability program that uses a system and mindset change approach to impact the lives of at least 1,000,000 young women and men with disabilities and enable them to access dignified and fulfilling work. The purpose of the baseline survey is to establish a benchmark of the program indicators across all the four outcomes to inform implementation. This will enable systematic measurement of progress towards the intended results annually and at final evaluation.

The WCW program is looking for a talented Baseline Study Consultant to lead a team to complete the planning and implementation of the program’s Baseline Study. We would welcome applications for the entire regional body of work to coordinate the baseline across the seven countries, as well as separate applications for portions to East Africa (Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya) as well as West Africa (Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria), with the Senegal study conducted in French. Consultants/Firms can submit multiple proposals, and in the case of a proposal for the full seven countries can break the costing down between East and West Africa.

The consultant(s) will work with the program team to develop the tools and resources to carry out the study and lead in the design and execution across the target areas to establish the baseline status for all program indicators. The consultant will work closely with the WCW Program Management Unit (PMU) and Country Management Units (CMUs), and especially with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning and Adaptation (MERLA) Manager, Country Program Managers (PM), and MERLA Officers to deliver the assignment.

Please submit an Expression of Interest to by 17 November containing the following:

 A detailed technical proposal, including a description of how your skills and experience match the TOR requirements, your understanding of the assignment and proposed methodology and work plan. The proposal should be either for:
o The survey in all seven countries (with a costing for both East and West Africa)
o The survey in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda)
o The survey in West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal)
 A financial proposal containing a detailed budget, breaking down all costs with distinct categories, e.g., professional fees, travel, accommodation, etc.
 CVs and profiles of lead and associate consultants, including track-record of recent projects, references of at least three (3) recent clients.
 Sample of 3 recent similar studies conducted for multi-country programs.

TOR We-Can-Work-Programme-Baseline-Survey-TOR.docx WCW-Baseline-Survey_Sample-Size-Estimation-1.docx We-Can-Work-ME-Framework-2023-1.docx